Starfall also began as Stephen wanted to create a resource to help children like himself. Stephen Schutz, the founder of Starfall, struggled with reading during his childhood. Why did the program begin (was it to fill a hole in an area?) The Starfall Education program is written by teachers and has been piloted throughout the United States. They also undergo assessment, so parents know where they’re up to. There are also special time slots where children have their progress monitored. This is useful for the mom who wants to know exactly how her children are tracking compared to other children the same age. Parents are given Standards and benchmarks for every unit as well as holiday plans and character development plans. The Starfall Kindergarten program features imaginative plush characters, stimulating interactive online activities, engaging content-driven instruction, and hands-on experiences. It presents a fun way to learn a Reading and Language Arts curriculum. What is unique about the Starfall Education curriculum? To try and maintain accuracy in answers to the questions, I’ve compiled this article with help from a Starfall staff member. I am just interested in the program and so I’m writing this comprehensive Starfall review. Just so you know, I’m not an affiliate with Starfall. Homeschool parents have access to see how their children are performing, meaning they can compare their students work to other students work the same age. Children learn concepts through an animated program that encourages them to learn as it feels like play. This program offers high-quality Pre-K and Kindergarten material for homeschool families. If you want a fun Kindergarten curriculum for your homeschool, you should consider looking into the Starfall Education curriculum.